Drive Your Team’s Hearts and Minds!
The Calm Men Truth (Death Sucks & Sealed!)
February 22, 2018
Don’t Sugar Rush… It’s Diabetic’al!
August 16, 2018

The world is now moving so fast no doubt. And add to that the accompanying complexity of managing things. Systems and business models are ever evolving due to technological, sociological and economic factors, the growing traffic, the health issues, and all the way to our demanding clients and our stressed family lives!

Drive Hearts… and Minds

So how do we drive all these? – by driving our hearts and minds. Organisations will always be challenged by existing realities and emerging ones and that will test the mettle of any organisation. There is of course the wisdom to depend on the tried-and-tested (the “continuities”). But there is an ever increasing need to innovate and challenge the old models and frameworks (“discontinuities”).

Empathy is dropping fast. Artificial Intelligences (AIs) are taking over jobs. Employees are getting stressed. It remains then that one of the greatest needs of a firm is its ability to manage the hearts and minds of its people.

Firms should be able to think clearly and fast, to be able to make decisions and solve problems that are both assertive and emphatic to enable it to grab growth opportunities and manage crises. Strategically, customer service more than ever will be critical inside and outside of the organization.

Make It Fun and Focused!

Dealing with the mind though is oftentimes more difficult and theoretical and yet it drives all our thoughts and behaviors. So why not make it fun, physical and interactive and focusing on the areas that could help grow the organisation?

Crazy as it may seem, life in an organisation now is both a sprint and a marathon! Every leader in a company needs to (1) learn how to react fast or anticipate game-changing crises or opportunities, (2) periodically reinforce the strategic plans for a solid future, and (3) invigorate the team’s commitment to each other and the organisation! That requires the team to “decelerate”, then think clearly and harmonise in order to gain breath-taking singularity and speed!

The iCross Way

But how is that done? First, you have to get away to a serene place and from the madding crowd. Second, check the alignment of the thoughts of everyone as to which items are important in an organisation and to determine who are of the same mind and heart on the matter. Then having achieved the same, fast-track the team’s learning through simulated and experiential events that are fun, purposive, and driven by strong leadership and collaboration!

In every event, we use the iCross… iChange system that checks the (1) conviction and (2) competence of the participants, elicits their (3) commitment leading to well-defined (4) contributions until they appreciate being part of a greater (5) cause bigger than their own. All programs we run are all anchored on these principles that are squarely founded on the eternal Word of God but acutely cognisant of the realities of our times and delivered in practical, adventurous and meaningful terms.

As we spend time and do activities together with all the people we interact with on a regular basis, we find ourselves reconnected and able to do more as a team or as a company. Interested? Drop us a line at and we will help your team drive their minds better so they can pause, think, and act!

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